Review: Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood - Trevor Noah

Born a Crime: Stories From a South African ChildhoodBorn a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m sure after reading this book, you’ll agree that Trevor Noah is an inspiration. If you’ve watched his Daily Show episodes and thus expected this book to be a similar funny account we’ve come to expect from him, you’d be disappointed. While still being peppered with his dry humor and his unique narration style, this book takes you through the times of apartheid to now.

Trevor Noah’s mom, Patricia Noah, is a rockstar! Set during the time when apartheid wasn’t abolished, the book talks about the arduous circumstances under which Patricia was raised to how she came to raise her colored son when his bare existence was a literal crime.

"Learn from your past and be better because of your past, but don't cry about your past. Life is full of pain. Let the pain sharpen you, but don't hold on to it. Don't be bitter. " - Patricia Noah

This quote from the book very aptly summarizes her attitude towards life. And it’s the same attitude with which we see Trevor out in the world making people laugh despite the grim circumstances he’s been through in his life. Read on to also learn some valuable lessons about how Trevor used his skill of being accepted in different communities by learning to speak their language. To this ability, I’d credit the absolute best imitation of different people from Donald Trump to a classic Indian during his several The Daily Show episodes. It’s one of the things that makes him affable with varied audience.


Patricia Noah gets shot by her husband! The description of this incident is so vivid, gripping and gut-wrenching that you might just begin to cry. I can’t even begin to fathom the courage he has to deal with all that happened during that incident. That is simply a testimony and an inspiration to all the people who hold on to bitterness in life and make themselves and/or people around them miserable whereas Trevor has moved to making people laugh around the world.

Definitely an extraordinarily outstanding memoir!

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